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Ocean Voices Duo

Biomimetic music directly inspired by the Ocean, the sea, waves, whales and dolphins, the forces of Nature and more.

Ocean Voices Duo is the new electro-acoustic musical creation by Guillaume Vanespen (bowed gong) and Thanas Kas (rubbed bendir
and electronic effects). 
Guillaume Vanespen creates coloured waves, long notes, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, which can blend together, played on the edge of the gong,
as well as sounds reminiscent of
whistling dolphins,
played on the gong string. 
Thanas Kas uses rubber drumsticks rubbed on the bendir’s skin, imitating
the song of whales,
while electronic effects
reharmonise the entire ensemble
and much more.

Composing vast soundscapes, the ensemble presents itself as an underwater journey, an aquatic sonic immersion of contrasts, between light and darkness, between
natural forces
and meditative calm. 
An itinerant journey, that starts on the beach, with the breeze and the undertow of waves, before plunging into the ocean, ... meeting whales and dolphins, ... then defying the storm, weathering the hurricane and descending into the abyss, ... "World of Silence", ... submarines, Morse codes,
sound waves, ...
before slowly and progressively
returning to the shore ...

A hypnotic 52-minute performance, adaptable to
other timeframes if required.

The performance is enhanced by luminous projections, of white and blue aquatic prisms
moving through 360 degrees, imitating the ebb and flow of waves.

Ocean Voices Duo is the culmination
of a dream.

A revelation at first: the discovery of the bowed gong, which has become Guillaume Vanespen’s second official instrument,
thanks to the Japanese percussionist
Tatsuya Nakatani with whom
he was fortunate to play as a drummer.
Soon afterwards, discovering the creation of sounds resembling dolphin whistles
led to imagining
a music group fully
inspired by the ocean. 
Directly and spiritually inspired by Nature,
as opposed to human phenomena
as is most often the case.
Ten years later, in July 2021, after listening to Thanas Kas play whale sounds for an entire day, it became clear that
the dream could finally be fulfilled.

Ocean Voices Duo are currently working at putting together their first album, which is expected to be released in the course of 2024 ... as well as on the organisation
of a tour ...

We look forward to sharing with you some of the singular beauty of Ocean Blues.

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Guillaume Vanespen : guillaume.vanespen@artsetpublics.be

Facebook : Ocean Voices Duo
Instagram : Under construction...